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    Saturday, April 3, 2021

    CoD Warzone | Join the Call of Duty Discord server

    CoD Warzone | Join the Call of Duty Discord server

    Join the Call of Duty Discord server

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 03:55 AM PST

    100m Thermite Stick Triple Kill - Warzone

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    Sassy Blonde 1 - Aimbot Hacker 0. And the after lobby goes wild

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 11:41 PM PDT

    Yeah. Roze skin be like

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 07:07 AM PDT

    Not a fortunate day for him.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 05:20 AM PDT

    Won a solos game with 0 kills and 0 damage...

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 07:46 AM PDT

    new warzone trailer is sick !!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    This is for all the times I got killed by a riot shield.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 02:19 AM PDT

    Dear Activision/Raven - From Your community.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 12:27 PM PDT

    me everytime a bounty gets poached

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 01:05 PM PDT

    Heard something whilst being afk eating a sandwich

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 08:12 AM PDT

    one tap Melee?? Has this happened to anyone?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 04:54 AM PDT

    My friend sacrificed himself to buy me back after a hard-fought game, so I had to clutch up the final kill with a pistol.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 07:40 AM PDT

    Petition for Warzone to introduce a console only cross play option so we can avoid all the cheats.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 05:12 AM PDT

    We don't mind playing against Xbox users but the advantage that pc players have even before cheating is stupid, much easier to map keys for movement, more range of motion on the mouse and most importantly they can see like 100% more of the FOV should they choose to.

    Give me a console only cross play option 😂

    submitted by /u/Rustythumbsticks
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    Ravens latest patch notes: “On Rebirth Island, an out of map exploit was fixed near Chemical Engineering”. I just got killed from there in the pre-game lobby (April 3rd)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 02:15 AM PDT

    Has anyone ever encountered this bug before? My car can travel through time!!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 05:03 AM PDT

    Laser Beaming With the Dragunov

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 09:07 AM PDT

    On today’s Episode of Activion needs to fix their games:

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    When a Roze skin tries to run you over... You have to torture him a bit!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    Raven, your silence is deafening.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 02:07 PM PDT

    Why is there no community manager anywhere? Why are you ignoring issues and actively ruining the "potentially" best BR ever made?

    Your silence is deafening, and if you won't speak up, we will.

    submitted by /u/vTwistedOps
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    Just a few thoughts [list of problems] / no hate on devs

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 04:23 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I am new to this community. I have played the game for over a year now. I consider myself a half-decent player with a career K/D 1.37 and about 90 wins and I also consider myself to be really passionate about the game. However, I only play Warzone as COD in general was never my cup of tea. I just wanna say that I love this game. A good match of Warzone is a phenomenal 30 minutes. But like many players, I find myself enjoying the game less and less. Ever since the Cold War integration, the game has gone down a dark path of glitches, unaddressed issues, and less-than-great decisions.

    If you cannot agree with this statement, please read my list of smaller and bigger things that are currently wrong with the game.

    First, devs keep adding new content while there are bugs and glitches in the game that nobody touched for half a year.

    - Can't drop money to a teammate? That's been in there a long time.

    - Can't use equipment? Been in there for a long time.

    - CW attachments still don't do what it says in the description and they keep breaking them? Well, that is apparently never going to change.

    - Players spawning on the other side of the map after a rebuy even though their entire team and loadout are somehwere else? Still a thing.

    - Flashbangs screwing you up even though they are behind you? Yapp.

    - Stun grenades turning your operator into a vegetable for a lot of seconds? Yo.

    - Old corpses and smokes and decoys not despawning, effectively disturbing your gulag match, which should be fair? Not happening.

    - Operators having spams when you try to jump through windows that you have jumped through a million times before? Still a problem.

    - Stim glitch. How is stim glitch still an issue? They must have fixed that bug six times by now. When is somebody going to look at the problem and say: "You know, we can't fix what is wrong with stims. Let's patch them out of the game until we know what to do."?

    - Hackers. There are still people running around in the game, racking up 50 kills in a Diamond 1 lobby by shooting everyone in the head from miles away with a floor loot pellington. How does this keep happening?

    - Getting stuck on a buystation after interacting with the buy menu? That is still a thing!

    - Loadout drops freezing when you pull out weapons? Happend to me two nights ago.

    - Players jumping out of cars at 90 mp/h without getting a scratch, but the car is still showing red on the mini map for at least a couple of seconds? It still happens.

    - Gas mask animations glitching out. Why can't players put on the gas mask as they please? It is very easy to balance that, just make it that players cannot regenerate health while they are in the gas.

    - Multiple juggernauts in a game for weeks. Remember that? How did nobody look at that and say: "Uhm, yeah, maybe we should patch out the juggernauts entirely while we are clearly not able to fix the bugs?"

    - Roze skins! I play that one myself, but I'd be more than happy to never use it again if they decided to patch it out until they can balance it with the rest of the game.

    - Performance issues on servers where you sometimes get 80 fps on a machine that you know can easily give you 140? What is that about?

    - Sound problems. Even after a year it is still often impossible to determine whether steps are above or below you.

    I could easily think of more examples of what is wrong with the game with regard to bugs. These are just small things. They are incredibly annoying, but they do not break the game.

    What breaks the game, however, are the bad things that represent deliberate decision processes by the devs. The things that people looked at and said: "Yeah, this is a good idea." Or the problems that people looked at and deliberately said: "Hm, I don't see a problem with that."

    - The meta. I don't want fall in that rabbit hole. Metas will always be a thing. They are incredibly annoying, but some metas were better than others. The Kilo-meta held on for a long time and a lot of players were pissed off by everyone rocking the Kilo and the MP5, but you weren't forced to play with these guns. You could easily play a RAM, an M13, an M4 or essentially whatever you wanted and be successful in the game. Season 6, right before the CW integration was the best time this game has seen. The DMR meta was a farce. It was in for too long, but the current meta is even worse. TTKs have decreased to a point where you can't respond to enemies opening fire at you first. People camp a lot because the AUG and M16 make it undesirable to be in the open field. Drawn out firefights are gone and skill is gone too. You can hardly get out of a sticky situation by being the better player because even the worst player on the server can pick up a floor-loot FFAR that is stronger than most guns you can put in your loadout and just flip up your stuff. This is still a thing. In the most recent 53 gig patch they tweaked the guns a little. They looked at the problem and decided not to change anything significant. We are still dealing with the FFAR/AUG/Kar98 meta. You are effectively handicapping yourself by using other guns.

    - Reporting system. We STILL have no proper report system. You get like five seconds to report a guy before the killcam fades out. After that, well, let's hope you wrote down the name, otherwise nothing is going to happen.

    - Wacky playlists. Why can't they leave the normal BR mode alone? Why does it have to be changed up with Buyback or "Mo' Gulag" modes? If you want to play ordinary vanilla Warzone right now, then you are out of luck. If you don't enjoy Mo Gulag Mo Problems then you have no reason to touch Warzone right now. Am I the only one who thinks that this is a terrible way of misunderstanding your audience?

    - So called weapon customization. This is a game mechanic in Warzone, but in many cases it is only an illusion. For example, nobody uses any muzzle attachments other than the Agency or monolithic suppressor. They are just too good. Reintroduce the tactical element. Make players choose between the stealth option of a suppressor or the better weapon handling of a compensator or whatever. What is the point of having weapon customization if one slot is always taken by the same attachment on any gun? It is not like a wide variety of grips, barrels or mags is played either.

    - Endgame fairness. The Verdansk map in its current state is not designed to always provide a fair endgame experience. Wide open areas like north of military base and airfield provide very little cover, effectively giving the game to the squad who happened to occupy the random right spot like 10 minutes earlier. Also, way does the final circle move, favoring the team that happens to be on that side of the circle? Just make it shrink in the middle, so everbody is forced to move.

    - Random events. Today I played a game where there where rockets flying all over the place. In the middle of the match, an announcer yelled at me for like a minute about a contamination protocol. The sound in the game is bad enough as it is. We have a hard enough time hearing what is important without events polluting the ambience.

    - Game mechanics that cannot be countered. There is nothing you can do to prevent players sneaking up on you with Dead Silence or players pulverizing you with Stopping Power in their FFAR (except having Stopping Power in your FFAR yourself). Every game mechanic should have a weakness, but these have non. In general, every game mechanic should be balanced around two questions. "Is it fun to play?" and "Is it fun to play against?" Both of these pass one of these questions, but non of those passes the other.

    - Skill based match making. This is obviously a problem. It should be gone or it should be more restricted. In other games, players have no problem with waiting a couple of minutes for a lobby so they can have a good game (e.g., CSGO, Overwatch). I wouldn't mind waiting two minutes for a match where I don't get rolled by players with double my K/D and where players with half of my K/D get killed by everybody.

    Dear devs,

    you have a very passionate community. A community that most devs would be glad to have. Yet, as I said above, ever since the Cold War integration, your game has gone down a dark path of bugs, glitches and less than great decisions. A lot of players are fed up. Even the most ardent proponents of the game are losing interest. Content creators, who have helped promote your game, are losing interest as well. Platforms like SBMM have effectively done all the community communication that you couldn't be asked to do and they still got shut down. Your game is in a terrible state. Honestly, it is in the worst state it has ever been. And the clock is ticking. There is just a finite amount of time left until a lot of players are gonna leave the sinking ship. I'm not saying this game is dying, but it is - really - bad. And considering how things have been going for the last three and a half months, maybe it should, so we can remember this game as the great experience it was, rather than what it is slowly turning into.


    a disappointed fan

    submitted by /u/Der_Sauresgeber
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    Wait for it... The Heli, Heli-Bomb �� by Ly-Dope

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 04:24 AM PDT

    Nuke incoming to warzone soon?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 05:31 AM PDT

    They’re getting too creative with these camping spots ��

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 02:19 PM PDT

    Activision will be on some lawyer's 3am infomercial in ten years, "Did You play Warzone? Do You suffer from deafness?" If so you might be entitled to money.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 11:56 AM PDT

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