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    Tuesday, August 17, 2021

    CoD Warzone | I swear this is the only calling card in the game.

    CoD Warzone | I swear this is the only calling card in the game.

    I swear this is the only calling card in the game.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 06:11 AM PDT

    If Raven can increase the ammo capacity for the AMP63, then the same can be done for the FN Scar 17

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 04:13 AM PDT

    It's a miserable experience

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    Warzone 64.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 07:28 AM PDT

    This is aimbot right?? I’m literally getting beamed like this 24/7 now

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 08:41 PM PDT

    Or should it be Sledgehammer Games

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 06:14 AM PDT

    But I keep coming back for more

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 10:52 AM PDT

    A Dance with the Devil

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 11:16 AM PDT

    Unpopular opinion: for Warzone…Advanced Warfare 2 would be better than another WW2 game

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    Don't get me wrong…cause I like MODERN warfare not too futuristic. But at this moment, for warzone and based on the BR scenarios (plus BF 2042 is coming) I think Advanced Warfare 2 would be better than another WW2 game these days. Not talking about jet packs and laser guns but the POSSIBILITIES of a world that fits perfectly on verdansk: new weapons, new vehicles, new scorestreaks, maybe float the map with WATER COMBAT (boats, jet skis, yachts etc etc) would be better for maintaining the game alive! I don't know why they will go back to those old and boring WW2. Futuristic games can give thousands of possibilities that WW2 can NOT.

    submitted by /u/Diegodinizfsa
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    Devs Priorities

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 08:53 AM PDT

    [Long but non-toxic] Common misbeliefs regarding mouse aiming from a pretty decent mouse user

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 01:50 PM PDT

    Preface (tl;dr at the bottom)

    Just to get a few things clear right off the bat: No I don't think aim assist is aimbot; Yes I think assisting a joystick's ability to aim is needed to level the field against a mouse; Yes I think that sometimes Warzone's aim assist can be much; No I don't want it removed, nor do I complain about it unless it pertains to a certain tactical equipment. That being said, there's no secret that there are constant flame wars pertaining to either input device, often with a lot of misinformation.

    To start, I'm very familiar with a mouse. I have over 650+ hours in a dot clicking game called Kovaak's 2.0, which is literally made to be an aim trainer. Look, I thought it was stupid as hell until I tried it, and once I did I was inexplicably hooked. I now have decently good scores with some nice ones. It makes sense though because I've always been very competitive in everything I do whether it was club soccer growing up, playing instruments, or lifting. And Kovaak's has very similar aspects to that last element of working out. They're both self-improvement activities requiring only yourself, both are widely applicable and useful, and they both help you become better at whatever you enjoy doing. Whether your goal is to deadlift 600 pounds or to be a better football player. I just happened to enjoy the process in itself, rather than the end result.

    Regardless, I like to think that I'm no slouch when it comes to aiming with a mouse, especially since I'm at a point where I can confidently win up close regardless of AA or not (which is also why I don't think it's "LiTErALly AiMBoT"). My reactive and smooth tracking are usually on target. My "flick" (or snap/spray transfer/target switch) is also good, both speed-wise and accuracy-wise when it comes to spastic movement (ignore the audio, I was piquing my curiosity). I'm not saying this to jerk myself off, but both as a way to qualify what I'm saying, and to pre-emptively get past the "ur just shit kid cry moar" comments so we can actually have a discussion.

    Things that are true:

    Before I even list the misconceptions, we have to make it clear that "mouse vs controller" is a separate, albeit tangential argument to "PC vs last gen/current gen consoles". Not just that but understand that criticizing AA != asking for it to be removed. A degree of it is needed if crossplay is to be a thing.

    "It's easier to control recoil on a mouse."

    • Yeah, that's no secret. However, with the game being designed with its large majority playerbase in mind, the guns and the recoil in Warzone aren't difficult by any means. It's a step above shooters like OW/Quake sure, but I'd put Warzone recoil closer to Overwatch on a scale from "Quake LG recoil" to "CSGO/Rust/PUBG recoil" (since each game has its own "type" of recoil that has to take setting and average engagement distances into account).

    • Tangentially: The recoil on PC clips can look a lot more misleading than it is in reality due to Affected FOV, so both MKB and Controller players can easily "beam" with most WZ guns.

    "PC gets higher FOV and performance"

    • This is shifting the discussion from input to platform. It's true though, but deflects from the "MKB vs Controller" fights. Regardless, I think that it's widely agreed that the current gen consoles should get the option, so there's not really an argument to be had here other than to derail the conversation. It's like arguing that the sky should be blue on a clear day.

    Half truths/misconceptions:

    "MKB players have their entire arms to aim with!" / "MKB is literally just point and shoot!"

    • I'll group these two together since they're often touted together. That's true, depending on if someone aims with their wrist or their arm, and it's true that you can point and click. However, everybody vastly overestimates how well the average player and themselves can aim, because the average person who plays FPS games has objectively weak aim. Even if they've been playing popular FPS games for the past decade, unless they actually played that game at a high level or took the time to isolate and work on their aim, it's gonna be shit. There is a proportion of the population who can just get amazing aim from playing at a high level (guys like Aceu who got Global in under 100hrs in CSGO), but those guys are so rare that you might as well count yourself out from that group since you'd know if you're one of them.

    • I know this because I had to swallow the same pill. I thought I had good aim because I hit Predator in Apex during the first 2 seasons, and that meant I'm the same as ImperialHal or Huskerrs right? SIKE. I was so wrong that it was embarrassing. My aim was shit. It takes hundreds and hundreds of dedicated hours before someone can get their aim to a high level. Even guys like Symfuhny and Tfue had to grind Kovaaks before they were well known during DayZ's surge. If you really think that you have good aim and want to prove me wrong, Aim Labs is free on Steam. It's not a good aim trainer, but it has a ranking system, and Diamond/Masters in Aim Labs is the equivalent to Silver/Gold in Kovaak's [Voltaic]. If you can get Diamond/Masters scores in Aim Lab then you're more than welcome to tell me how wrong I was about your aim as a freshly transitioned PC player, but I have a feeling that most people are gonna be sorely surprised.

    "PC gets all the advantages of FOV and 200 FPS!11!"

    • I touched on this already, but this is where threads usually devolve and break down, because people can't keep the discussion solely on the input. PCs definitely have those options, but the average rig is a lot weaker than what most people think. Just look at Steam's hardware survey: The average machine runs a 1060 in conjunction with a 4-core processor. That's not a machine that can maintain 144FPS w/ 144Hz @ 1080p even on low resolution (let alone even having a nice monitor/mousepad/mouse). Of course it's Steam and not Battlenet, but the sample size of their survey is more than large enough to illustrate the point that the average PC player you run into is barely able to get more frames than an XB1 or PS4, let alone the new gen. FOV is arguably the only inherent advantage, but even then there's a consensus to add it to PS5/Series X.

    "I switched to PC and my KD instantly rose"

    • Honestly, this isn't saying much. The truth is that you probably got "better" aim because your controller aim really sucked, and your mouse aim only somewhat sucks. However, going from bad to less bad isn't an accurate testament to the inputs' strengths/weaknesses because it's not an exhaustive experience. Similar to how your beginner gains aren't indicative of how much you'll be able to squat 1.5 years down the road nor does it say anything about your relative strength. It just means that your squat sucked before and now it sucks less after having done legs.

    "MKB can flick"

    • Honestly, with as much target switching and dynamic clicking practice I have, it's really disappointing how little those opportunities arise to actually take advantage of both being able to flick, and having good enough aim to actually do it accurately. But I have hundreds of hours practicing just that, and the average player doesn't, so their "flicks" are no faster nor more accurate than a high sens controller player. Sure the top 1% of MKB players might be able to accurately and reliably flick, but that's disingenuous to use them as the baseline.

    So yeah, those are the talking points that I often see getting thrown, and they're often misguided or rooted in misinformation. Mouse aiming might be more familiar to someone due to the fact that a lot of people use one to browse online, but it's nowhere near as "easy" in Warzone as people make it out to be. Mouse aiming in general is more difficult than most people think because there are so many factors that go into any given game, that a terrible aimer can make up for it with positioning, good reads, and high game IQ. Isolating it is the only way to really know just how good someone's aim is, and most people's aim is objectively bad. That's why you have so many people who were good at their main games try out Kovaak's and get silver/gold, or even bronze benchmarks. Like I mentioned before, if you'd like to prove that statement wrong then Aim Lab is free to play; it's a bit too easy, but Diamond in it is around Silver on Kovaak's (or Aim Labs Masters = Voltaic Gold) which are the ranks where people start to actually notice their aim go from bad to not so bad anymore.

    I do think that people get sensitive about this because they don't want to feel like their abilities are being discredited, which is fair and understandable. However, there are aspects like AA through stuns or situationally over-strengthened rotational assist that are problematic that I think can be reduced without crippling anyone on a console or controller. It's a delicate scale though, because you have to balance older gen consoles' disadvantages with not allowing top controller players on PC to cheese their way out of every encounter. I won't claim that I'm a balance expert, nor that I have any concrete values for how much it should be reduced by. I've seen suggestions on weakening it only on PC, and leaving it as-is on console, which seems like a good start to me. I just don't think that you should have to train your aim for 600 hours to just be able to feel confident about surviving up close.

    Thanks for reading.

    Tl;dr - People massively overestimate how good they might be on a mouse

    submitted by /u/-Quiche-
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    mhhhh that was really satisfying.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    someone wanna lmk how the fuck kali sticks killed me here?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 07:08 AM PDT

    Come join us on Rebirth island, no cheaters here!

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 10:45 PM PDT

    Fennec is a hitscan now lmao, No clickbait

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    The lucky knife throw saved my life

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 01:30 PM PDT

    The inevitable Kar89k nerf

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 01:18 AM PDT

    Cold War has never appealed to me. At this stage I'm never going to buy it since COD's yearly cycle means the game will soon be obsolete.

    But Warzone makes it clear that without Cold War I'm a filthy, confused peasant and I shouldn't be shambling around it's menu tabs. The battlepass looks strange and frightening to me as do the new people hanging around in the operator selection. My old guns are being tossed on a rusty heap in favour of weapons that are also somehow dragons and musical instruments. Even my MP5 is being carried to that heap now . I know I'm not welcome here, this place isn't for me so just nerf the kar and call the men to take me away.

    submitted by /u/Shaunicus11
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    I guess he comes from the future...

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 12:26 PM PDT

    Wish i was a big streamer to have this kinda games

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 04:18 AM PDT

    What happens when you get flashed but you have combat scout ��

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    How these guys made it till the end I’ll never know……

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 05:38 AM PDT

    Based on a true story ��

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    So we can’t have zombies camos for “reasons” but they can add this? Lmao

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 01:45 PM PDT

    Stop leaving us a man down randoms!

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 11:04 AM PDT

    I haven't made a post before but this is a small rant.I'm really tired of all the people that leave before the end of a match. I'm frustrated how many times I've been playing Resurgence and people bitch out. It's so pathetic why even join if your gonna be salty about being killed then leave us a man down. It's literally called Rebirth your coming back to the game if one of your team mates stays alive. This has happened 8 out of 10 games this morning. I understand that people might have something unexpected come up sure but not every game. Don't bother going into a match if your gonna decide to leave half way through its selfish act. Im done ranting. Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/W-mellonwiggle94
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