• Breaking News

    Friday, May 1, 2020

    CoD Warzone | Theres always those kinda players...

    CoD Warzone | Theres always those kinda players...

    Theres always those kinda players...

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    Dude what is going on here so many problems ???, patch broke more than fixed.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    This patch broke more stuff than it fixed.Also why again with add something remove something ? What's up with that. Why can't you guys just add something without taking something out ?

    Also can we have proper patch notes just list everything you guys do in a patch even if you have to edit the blog post. Why stealth changes ?

    Audio problems with voice chat, servers feel like power point slide show.Removing bounties for most wanted (which is bad) then adding bounties back same as with remove trios add quads, remove trios add LTM add trios again ?????

    What is going onh here ?

    Edit: as many others have commented here there are so many problems and new ones keep poping up.
    Edit2: Also thank you for the gold random citezen.

    submitted by /u/ARES_GOD
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    Watch your step

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    My game glitched out BIG TIME. Ever wondered what it looks like inside the plane?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 02:31 AM PDT

    Lost my best friend this week, after spending all week at a loss, I finally summoned enough energy for play this and win my first and only Warzone match, this is for you buddy.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Why did they reduce cash found in crates?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    The game was in a good place before. If your team wiped and you were the last one left you could gather cash from crates pretty easily and buy teammates back so your team didn't have to spend too much time watching you run around picking up trash off the floor.

    Now they made it so most crates don't give any money. Granted this would have been okay if they kept the new last man standing bounty, but they removed it.

    Leave the economy alone, it was in a good place before the crate cash got nerfed.

    People don't want to watch their teammate spend 10 minutes roleplaying as a roomba, they want to shoot people. With this change you can bet randoms are going to leave the match even more often than before due to it taking even longer to get 4500 dollars to buy them back.

    submitted by /u/derp_shrek_9
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    These guys just lost a match because there were five guys left in the gulag at the end of the round. After the last circle the 1v1's started and the winner of the last fight won the game.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 02:46 AM PDT

    Dear Activision

    Posted: 01 May 2020 02:35 AM PDT

    You are a multi-billion dollar company who makes the revenue of a small country on the release of a single Call of Duty Installment ever single year without taking into account revenue from Micro transactions. Fix your fucking game and make it so that people can play without lagging out and that isn't accessible to cheaters. You have almost unlimited resources and thousands of employees. There are no excuses for not fixing something that's fundamental to an online service. All the the other Battle Royales can do it, even one's with graphic fidelity to match yours. This is a consumer product you put on the market. Catch up to your competitors and make a functioning game.

    EDIT: to all the people white knighting a billion dollar company with virtually limitless resources on a subreddit to give feedback about their product, you need to reassess your life.

    submitted by /u/AdamOfIzalith
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    Support your indie game company.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:58 AM PDT

    This was an interesting thing for my Pila rocket to do..

    Posted: 01 May 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    To the player in Solo that I agreed to punch duel in the gulag today: I’m deeply sorry!

    Posted: 01 May 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    I have always tried to get punch battles in the gulag via solo and today I finally achieved the agreed communication.

    I didn't realize I wasn't next.


    The man went in and got killed by a 725 as I helplessly watched in horror above.

    F in peace

    submitted by /u/lhhawk
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    Fix your servers... First game lag, second game this... brb going to star citizen because their servers are more stable than these toaster ovens...

    Posted: 01 May 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    Fly true, little RPG

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    Unable to connect on PC (Eu) - anyone else?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    IW working on fixing broken voice chat

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:59 AM PDT


    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    The microphone is so broken it's destroying team games.

    What's the deal, we load in, full communication. We play warm up, full communication. We get into game, no problem, a few minutes in, all mics muted. No communication available.

    Please work on this, maybe it's just us and I hope so cuz it sucks to experience. However, I feel like it might be a pervasive issue.

    We are playing 2 PC, 1 PS, 1 Xbox.

    To be honest most of the time it's ok, but we played 15 games tonight, and 3-4 we could not communicate at all after the start.

    Edit : First thanks for so many suggestions and hopefully getting this high enough to be noticed by a developer!

    Getting a ton of LOL just Discord, I get it guys. I play with two console players and it sucks for them a bit to use discord while being on console, usually they have to put it on their phone on speaker or have ear buds and a headset on. Thank you, we do utilize discord, but we wouldn't mind not having to and using the in game because when it's working, it works great in our experience.

    submitted by /u/ProDiesel
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    TIP: Your health goes down slower in the gas if you use self revive!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    Infinity Ward and game updates. So far, so good!

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    Finally, they've acknowledged this issue.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    [bug] My buddy can't stop smoking

    Posted: 01 May 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    What’s the Point in even being mad anymore. This is about the hundredth time I’ve finished a game and got absolutely no xp, not did it count either of my vehicle kills. Just a waste of breath complaining about it.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    Anybody else getting this? Get kicked off the server queue to this message on repeat...

    Posted: 01 May 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    I'm a very unlucky Warzone player. This is my friends POV of me dying the other day.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:29 AM PDT

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