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    Monday, March 29, 2021

    CoD Warzone | I really hope season 3 doesn't follow the same way.

    CoD Warzone | I really hope season 3 doesn't follow the same way.

    I really hope season 3 doesn't follow the same way.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 07:33 AM PDT

    Completely legit player falls victim to pressure of 12 people spectating them. F in the chat bois

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 05:29 AM PDT

    Thank you activison

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    I got played by Jigsaw...

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    also not sharing cash for a loadout

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 01:10 PM PDT

    Interstellar revive

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 02:09 PM PDT

    Hackers may have aim, but not any brains lol. His reaction was priceless!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 10:52 AM PDT

    Warzone file size reduction coming tonight!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    Warzone Has Turned My Sweet Natured Wife Into A Monster

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    The truth of warzone

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 12:29 PM PDT

    A comprehensive (subjective) list of everything that is fundamentally wrong with Warzone right now.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 12:05 PM PDT

    With many of the feedback post being either incomplete, rants or not at all constructive, I decided to compile a (subjective) list of all the things wrong with Warzone that I can think of.

    Disclaimer: I'm by no means a Top-Tier player or god at this game (I've been hovering around 1.7-1.9 depending on the Meta and how much fun I'm having) but after playing this game daily for almost a year with lots of different friends across all platforms I do believe I have a solid grasp on what's keeping people from playing this game longer or more often.

    1. Field Upgrades

    • In a BR so heavily focused on audio cues, Dead Silence needs to go. It's as simple as that. As long as Ghost in its current iteration is still in the game, there is literally no counterplay to Dead Silence other than camping. If you want a more fast-paced, dynamic game where people aren't afraid of leaving their buildings, Dead Silence needs to go.
    • Stopping Power shouldn't be Floor Loot. Using the same gun against an equally skilled player, you will lose a fight against Stopping Power 9/10 times. The added recoil isn't enough of a drawback to justify the massive decrease in TTK. Many people I play with couldn't even tell that there's an increase to the weapon's recoil when using Stopping Power. Suggestion: make Stopping Power a purchasable item that takes up the same slot as killstreaks. Make a player decide whether they want to buy Stopping Power, a UAV or Self-Revive. Not only does that take away the RNG factor that Stopping Power currently has, it also gives you something to buy in the late game rather than endless UAV spamming.

    1.5. Floor Loot

    • Floor Loot Self-Revives need to be less common. Period.

    2. Weapon Balance

    • We know that the FFAR, the AUG and some of the other weapons we all despise playing against are getting nerfed soon, so I won't complain about that.
    • What I will complain about is the frequency at which weapons are patched. We've had the same stale FFAR+Burst Weapon meta for way too long considering how oppressive these weapons are. Patches that tone down weapons that are clearly falling out of line should come every two weeks AT LEAST. Warzone isn't like other competitive games where players might have to find a way to play around a new, emerging strategy or meta. If a weapon fries, it fries. I've had so many friends completely quit the game for weeks during the DMR-14 meta. That doesn't need to happen.
    • Attachments need to do what they actually say they're doing. I understand that the current situation is tricky, having essentially multiple developers working on the same game. However, it is completely and utterly unacceptable that people like JGod and TrueGameData (bless them, they're doing God's work!) have to spend hours in custom lobbies and Plunder to get accurate data on something that should be readily available to every single player out there.
    • Add scope glint to the 4x Optics from Cold War. It's not that hard. It's unfair. Fix it.

    3. Perk Balance

    • Ghost in it's current iteration is not healthy for the game. It promotes a campy, overly defensive playstyle. We've already seen way better versions of Ghost that only stealth a player as long as he is moving. It's not hard to implement. Right now, there's little to no reason to buy a UAV after the first free Loadout dropped because chances are the only people you will see pop up are people who just returned from the Gulag.
    • Amped is by far the strongest option out of the Tier 3 perks. Not because it's so incredibly strong, but because everything else is either too weak or not at all doing what it's supposed to do. Shrapnel serves no real purpose when you can carry two Lethals anyway (especially with Restock). Battle-Hardened still doesn't give you a fighting chance against Stun Grenades, especially on PC (more on that later). Tune-Up is supposed to help with a more supportive playstyle but when everybody is rocking self-revive, you're really better off just continuing to fight. Tracker is okay, Spotter could need a buff. Maybe highlight loot in some way (Legendary chests, large stacks of money?)
    • Scavenger is also essentially useless; maybe Scavenger should make opponents drop additional Armor Plates upon death. Quick Fix could also need a buff; maybe make it help with Self-Revive speed.

    4. Differences between Console and PC

    • Look, I get it. Cross-platform title, you have to try and cater towards as many people as possible, make the game run on different hardware, I get it. But there is literally no reason why PC players should be significantly more affected by Stun Grenades than Console players. Not only does that make the Gulag incredibly unfair at times (Pistols + Stun Grenade is almost a guaranteed loss since Console players get aim assist + stronger Stun Grenades) but it also creates situations in which you stun an enemy, full-send into the room only to get beamed because as a console player, he was hardly affected by the detonation. Fix that.
    • Consoles have no way of affecting how their game looks. Compare that to Nvidia filters, various AMD settings and you create a situation in which PC players have massive advantages over console players, especially in many of the darker areas (Superstore comes to mind). Now, this would be a problem if it wasn't for...

    5. Roze. Or; visibility.

    • How this Skin is still in the game in it's current version is beyond me. Not only is it practically impossible to spot Roze skins in darker areas of the map, it is also completely unacceptable that a large part of the playerbase has virtually no way of using the skin themselves. There's always going to be skins that are easier and harder to spot. There's always going to be an ideal skin to run. But right now, the game's most broken, most unfun and hardest to spot skin is locked behind the Season 5 Battle Pass. Many players weren't around back then, took a break or simply cannot afford to buy a Battle Pass. You either have to NERF this skin once and for all or you have to give every single player the option to either buy the skin or unlock it through various challenges. This is hurting the competitive integrity of the game.
    • Why are there still windows and doors that you absolutely can't see through because the sunlight is so incredibly bright that there could be an enemy literally inches away from you and there would be no way for you to see them? (Yes, I'm looking at you, building next to Bank in Promenade East)
    • Did I mention the lack of Scope Glints for 4x Cold War Weapons?

    6. Gulag

    • The Gulag should be a place were both players have an equal chance of winning. The Gulag is game-changing, especially in solos. If we can agree on that, then why are Fists still a thing? Why are Stun Grenades that significantly affect PC players more than Console players still a thing? Why is the Cross Bow which - with it's rather slow projectile - clearly favors the faster connection still a thing? Why is the Gulag STILL NOT MIRRORED?

    7. Contracts

    • This is a controversial one, but hear me out. The number of times I've had a bounty on my head mere seconds after coming back from the Gulag only to have a full Roze-Skin Squad beam me down within seconds is honestly a joke. There should be a grace-period of AT LEAST one minute after leaving the Gulag in which Bountys cannot land on you. I've had Bountys on me before I've hit the ground. It's a joke.
    • The duration of Most-Wanted should scale with the number of teammates you have. Waiting three minutes in both, Duos and Quads, is a joke, too. Make it two minutes for Duos, three for Trios, four for Quads. There's literally no reason why you would ever use a Most-Wanted over a Supply Run in Duos right now.

    8. Bugs, Errors, Packet Loss

    • There's dozens of bugs that completely break the game right now. Here's a few.
    • People still clipping through walls using vehicles or deployable covers.
    • People continuing to go up Zip-Lines after being downed.
    • People able to shoot their weapon after detaching from a Zip-Line after being downed.
    • Ammo disappearing after using Stopping Power.
    • Lethal and Tactical equipment neither visable, nor usable after getting a Loadout.

    9. Cheaters

    • I mean, is there anything to say about this? CS:S did it better back in the day. MW3 had less cheaters back in the day. I get it; lots of players, lots of cheaters. Warzone is an incredibly popular game, the demand for cheats is high. Regardless, getting aimbotted or wallhacked every 4-5 game is a joke, frustrating and makes people quit the game for good, especially the more passionate, more competitive players.

    10. Melee

    • Unless they've changed it, Headshots with the X16 deal 72 Damage right now. 72 Damage. Are you actually trying to tell me that hitting someone with the dull end of a pistol deals more damage than literally shooting them in the ducking head? Is that a joke? It's April Fools soon, sure, but excuse me? Using the melee attack with ANY weapon EXCEPT for designated Melee weapons such as the Kali Sticks, the various swords and knifes etc. should NEVER kill faster than using actual bullets. Especially with the in-built "lock-on" that melee attacks have and the little lunge, there's honestly no reason why you would ever shoot someone with the X16 over just running at them Rambo-Style and mashing the Melee button as hard as you can. That's laughable, really.

    11. Berthas (The Cargo Truck)

    • Remove them from Solos. Final circles are three berthas and two people hiding. It's a joke.
    • Make it so you don't need to be pixel-perfect with your aim to actually shoot the driver. This is also a joke.

    Good. That's about everything I can think of right now. I'm 100% certain I missed out on many things that are fundamentally wrong with this game and I could probably add 11 more bullet points to this but I feel like these are the most pressing issues that almost all players are frequently affected and annoyed by. Don't get me wrong, I love this game and I will continue playing it but knowing how much better the game could just by changing and patching a few little things really frustrates me.


    submitted by /u/Jhinsanity
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    My buddy is bad...like really bad. We coached him into dropping a cluster to wipe out the entire map for a clutch win (almost kills himself).

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 07:54 AM PDT

    Lego Stitch

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    The KAR is my new favourite final circle gun.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 06:31 AM PDT

    Add live ping and UAV icon during REPLAYS

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 03:50 AM PDT

    Obviously, this game is infested by cheaters and this is no doubt, but many times I see people report and define others as "cheaters/hackers" because they died in a suspicious way by watching the replay.

    As soon as a replay starts, sometimes you can hear only for half a second the ping sound but it's not always like this. What definitely would help to reduce this "he's hacking, he's hacking" thingy, is to add the live ping with a red square icon related on top of my head if the enemy team was marking me at that moment for example. (like during your gameplay).

    Furthermore, the Dead Silence icon appears if someone was using Dead Silence. Do it also for UAV. People think that since they are pre-aiming they have to be walling or things like that. It's not always like this, people often use UAVs.

    All this would help you to better recognize if the enemy player was a cheater or he was just having a good play.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/SignificantPangolin6
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    New strat.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 11:29 AM PDT

    I really stuck it to this guy

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 01:33 PM PDT

    The game is beyond stale right now

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 09:55 PM PDT

    FFAR and AUG meta is arguably the worst meta this game has ever seen, the two guns cannot be beaten at the range that most fights take place at (200m ish and below) and the only option to beating them is to run those guns. It is so unhealthy for the game and is currently actively discouraging me from playing Warzone even tho I really like Warzone and it is my favorite BR. They desperately desperately need a nerf.

    I know this has been said a thousand times but the subreddit needs to be flooded with these posts like when the DMR was broken. The game is just plain not fun right now. There are many other games I enjoy playing more anyway and I will just drop CoD from my rotation if this is how the game will continue to be balanced. I'm sure many others feel the same way.

    submitted by /u/laffy_man
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    Warzone is going down the same route at PUBG,FORTNITE and APEX

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 07:33 AM PDT

    Raven/Activision I understand you're working from Home still but you need to engage with the community. Talk to us what the hell is going on. A new battlefield game is being revealed in 2 months and its rumoured to be Modern day and a love letter to fans and mostly likely will have a BR, Halo Infinite will Most likely have a BR at some point.

    You should be worried and make warzone the best it can be to compete with these games later this year. If you wait for competition instead of innovating and improve on the game Warzone is done and gone you've lost the casuals. The games i listed in the title while they still have loyal fanbases they've peeked and gone. If the Cod title this year is WW2 and your refuse to expand and improve warzone i'm sorry but excuse my french You guys are fucked.

    submitted by /u/datninjahd
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    I stopped playing COD after MW2, but I'm glad over a decade later voice-chat hasn't lost its magic

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 07:15 AM PDT

    Season 2 Reloaded Roadmap

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    This skin is literally the opposite of Roze skin

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 12:00 PM PDT

    Ah Warzone being warzone. Fuck this game

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 12:28 PM PDT

    Doc sums it up nicely.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 04:01 PM PDT

    Dear Gamers: Here is how to fix Warzone

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 11:51 AM PDT

    Stop buying shit in the store. Period.

    The developers/publisher do not give a fuck about you. All they care about is making money, and that is how a business should be run to some extent. (Maybe not as extremely as this).

    The state of this game is terrible. It is an absolute joke that a game with this much popularity has been handled so poorly by the developers. However, why would they spend time and money fixing anything when they make billions by doing nothing at all?

    So many people complain about the Rose skin, then they go buy it in the store to "stay competitive." Congrats you played yourself. That's exactly what they want you to do.

    Do you think it's a coincidence that the OP weapon of the month (season) all of a sudden has a bunch of skins in the store? Or is it more likely that this was the plan all along? Spoiler alert, they do this shit on purpose because people keep eating it up.

    The only way to force the devs to fix the game is to stop supporting them financially. The game is free. You do not need to spend a penny on skins or blueprints in the store. If you are actively complaining on this or other subreddits then also go into the store to buy the bullshit Rose skin you hate so much but can't win without, then you are part of the problem with the game.

    Vote with your wallet. That is the only way.

    That being said. In my opinion the way this game has been handled is unforgivable. If BF6 releases an even decent BR, then you won't see me running around Verdansk ever again at that point. I'd rather run around the BF6 BR with 100 of the same players every day if it isn't popular than support the utter lazy bullshit that had been the service model of Warzone.

    I know this post might get buried with downvotes, but that's ok. It doesn't change the fact that what I said is true. Vote with your money.

    submitted by /u/CaptCrush
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