• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 22, 2020

    CoD Warzone | Sex is cool and all, but have you ever had a landing like this?

    CoD Warzone | Sex is cool and all, but have you ever had a landing like this?

    Sex is cool and all, but have you ever had a landing like this?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 04:41 AM PST

    Absolute Chaos for My 100th Warzone Win

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 09:19 PM PST

    Hail marry throw for the most wanted ��

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 04:34 AM PST

    After months of solo it finally happened

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 11:48 AM PST

    Fake AFK = Gulag wins 100% of the time in 50% of the 25% of attempts

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 12:03 PM PST

    "Fucken what?"

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 01:20 AM PST

    Playing with my Kids can be frustrating, but when it comes together...

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 09:56 AM PST

    Final circle drop in clutch

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 12:06 PM PST

    Blowing random strangers for 3 minutes (with a crossbow)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 02:04 AM PST

    Sometimes you just gotta Jamsheed it with a Grenade Launcher

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 09:37 AM PST

    Me at 4 am running with squad members I don’t even like....

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 02:41 PM PST

    "Woah, WHAT?!"

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 11:41 AM PST

    Never felt more cheated in a Call of Duty game

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 10:07 AM PST

    My first Solos doug!

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 07:17 AM PST

    Load out fell on top of me and eventually made me fall through the bottom of Verdansk.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 09:04 AM PST

    It’s scary how this has 30k likes and people in the comments agreeing that this is fun

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 10:11 AM PST

    That feeling when you hit the Bounty out of a helicopter

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 01:33 PM PST

    One way to assist your team from above. Hail Mary Semtex throw

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 06:44 AM PST

    Can’t believe I survived that!

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 03:13 PM PST

    How to properly bait a Kill Hungry player.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 02:27 PM PST

    It really do be like that tho

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 12:28 PM PST

    Need for Speed: Verdansk Drift

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 12:44 PM PST

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