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    Thursday, March 18, 2021

    CoD Warzone | Warzone: Containment Protocol Alert: 2021-03-18

    CoD Warzone | Warzone: Containment Protocol Alert: 2021-03-18

    Warzone: Containment Protocol Alert: 2021-03-18

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    I made a trophy system!

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 02:13 PM PDT

    I built a baguette into a motion controller to play Warzone

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    Hacker eats dust.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 09:56 PM PDT

    Why ? How ? Why ?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 08:17 AM PDT

    Finally got a perfect tangent line in Warzone

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 06:43 PM PDT

    the most calculated stun of my life

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    I think i just killed the devil

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    This is what our squad has to put up with ��

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 09:21 AM PDT

    Feedback: Add playlists for each party size on Rebirth

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 11:00 AM PDT

    It's been three months now but we still can't choose our party size on Rebirth. If this week's update doesn't work for your party then too bad, maybe next week.

    This game has the player count to support separate queues. How long until we are able to play with whatever party size we want instead of being at the whim of this week's random playlist? It only hurts the game to give players less options like this

    submitted by /u/warturtle27
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    I literally gave up hoping that would still hit. 19 seconds and he still didn't jump !

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 04:48 AM PDT

    Anyone else getting this message? cant get onto wz at all

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 11:13 AM PDT

    I found a way to parachute jump to the rooftop of the BCH4 TV Station instead of having to use the ladder.

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    Testing the lobbies of Nickmercs, Aydan etc. (yes, they are easier but...)

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 07:23 PM PDT

    Testing the lobbies of Nickmercs, Aydan etc. (yes, they are easier but...)

    [Repost since the first post got removed]

    Let's do something dangerous. Let's shut down our critical thinking apparatus and ignore the ensuing (and hopefully loud) ring of our cognitive alarm bells. If we maintain this state long enough while looking at the following figure, we will be rewarded with outrage.

    Figure 1: Median Lobby KD Distributions.

    This figure shows the median lobby KD distribution of the top 5 Warzone streamers (going by watch time on Twitch in the last 30 days: Nickmercs, Timthetatman, Swagg, Symfuhny, Aydan) compared to the median lobby KD distribution of 5 high KD Warzone streamers with fewer than 300 Twitch followers\1]) as well as of 5 high KD players that, to my knowledge, are not streaming\2]). The players for the latter two categories were obtained via the US leaderboards of codtracker. For each category, the last 500 matches of each player are considered. After excluding non-BR game modes, we are left with a total of 2,391 matches for the top streamer category and with, respectively, 2,312 and 2,101 matches for the other two (for an explanation of how I obtained this data, see my previous post on matchmaking in Warzone).

    While the orange and green lines seem almost identical, the blue line representing the lobby KD distribution of the top 5 Warzone streamers is markedly skewed to the left and lacks the distinctive peak that marks the most common lobby KD of around 1.15 seen for the other two distributions. In addition, the average median lobby KD of the top streamers is also statistically significantly lower (significant at the 5% level, if you are interested) than the average median lobby KD of the other two categories (1.03 vs 1.10/1.09).

    So is this statistical proof supporting the commonly mentioned theory that top streamers are favored by the matchmaking system in order to advertise the game by posting exceptional gameplay obtained in easier lobbies? Is this enough to grab our pitchforks and torches and march against this unfair treatment of the player base? After rebooting our critical thinking systems, the empirical base for these claims disappears rather quickly.

    The top streamers only played 505 matches during the matchmaking prime time from 8pm to 2am (check Figure 2 of my previous post to see how lobby strength changes during the day) compared to 1,012 and 924 matches for players of the other categories (since I don't know the location of all players, I assume that everybody lives in the Eastern Time Zone. This results in only minor classification errors since the lobby strength before 8pm is much less different from that of the matchmaking prime time than the lobby strength after 2am). In order to make sensible comparisons, one has to therefore first restrict the analysis to a common playing time. The prime time from 8pm to 2am seems like the obvious choice here.

    However, the top streamers are more likely to play in international tournaments in which they load into BR Quads games and compete in 2vs2 kill races. This will bias their lobby strength during the matchmaking prime time downwards as opposing European duos could already be inside the weaker time periods of matchmaking. Every game hosted by the European opposition will then, on average, reduce the lobby KDs of our top streamers. So to remove this potential systematic difference between the player categories influencing lobby strength, I remove all BR Quads observations from the next analysis. Moreover, I only include matches in which our players are part of a squad with a minimum KD of 3.0 to avoid most "Random Duos/Trios" games.

    What remains then?

    Figure 2: Average Median Lobby KDs including the 95% Confidence Intervals.

    We see that the difference in average median lobby KD between the categories shrinks massively (1.11 vs. 1.12 vs. 1.11). In addition, the difference between the top streamers and the other players is not statistically significant anymore (graphically represented by the inclusion of the average median lobby KD of the top streamers in the range established by the whiskers of the other two categories).

    So to everybody claiming that the most popular streamers play in easier lobbies than the average high level player: you are right. But to everybody interpreting this as top streamers being favored by the matchmaking system: you are wrong (actually, to be more precise, there remains no statistical evidence to support your interpretation [edit: after accounting for the reduction in average lobby strength associated with streamers playing relatively more matches during off-peak hours]).

    [1] The players in this category are Ryda#11960, Mawnstrosity#1125, viteettv#1352, MrJuice#11327 and mcap#11939; Average KD of their own squad: 3.31.

    [2] The players in this category are AdultNoJob#8109122, MFCoast, Shifty#12932, shane_m15 and oVisionzs#1313; Average KD of their own squad: 4.08.

    submitted by /u/dispassionDOTblog
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    Playlist update. Please stop messing with the squad numbers in Resurgence!

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 11:11 AM PDT

    Zombies are now in verdansk hospital!

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    Rebirth Endgame. Airstrike and Hodl Zone W

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 05:55 AM PDT

    Strela is love, Strela is life

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 10:11 AM PDT

    Wiped a full team of sweats (as a sweat myself)

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 09:11 AM PDT

    Why doesn't aim assist fall off when stunned?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 01:50 PM PDT

    What the title says. Is there a reason or is activation being retarded? As it has been stuns are insanely more crippling for PC players than console. Controller already kind of gets that advantage trade off close range with the aim assist where as PC has an easier time controlling recoil at range. But it seems like it would only make sense for the aim assist to not be available to help with tracking while stunned. Just curious for some thoughts on that.

    submitted by /u/AzZiree
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    Stim play for the Win

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 04:24 PM PDT

    This is why you see the FFAR everywhere.

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 01:53 AM PDT

    Verdansk, Cherish It While You Can

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 07:14 AM PDT

    I know, you're most probably bored to death in Warzone because of it, like most of us. But do appreciate it before we get the next map which we won't know is for the better or worse.

    Either way, Verdansk is going to be nostalgic, let's cherish it while we can.

    I know I'm gonna miss it in two months time. Hope people document playing in each parts of it for the nostalgic moments.

    Right now, I'm even thinking about the Halloween events where we all try to jump to Dam hahaha good times!

    submitted by /u/RockstarJay94
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    Warzone TTK creep and other issues..

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 02:25 PM PDT

    TLDR: There are a ton of QoL and balancing issue that need to be addressed in this game, because it's starting to become stale, and not fun to play.

    I've been playing WZ pretty religiously since the day it came out (sans the DMR month). And recently I tried my hand at another F2P BR, just to see how it stacked up against WZ. And I gotta tell you, there are so many QoL updates this game needs, and that could be easily implemented, that it's a little bit ridiculous. However the larger point that I noticed in playing this other BR, is the TTK is much, much higher.

    Now, I understand that this is COD, and COD has always been an arcade, run and gun, fast paced shooter, and it would only make sense for the COD BR to reflect this. However, I feel that since the CW integration, the TTK for this game has dwindled down to ridiculously low levels, and it's really starting to feel like playing Multiplayer with one life, a little bit. In many of the standard WZ BR games that I've played over the last couple of weeks, it feels like I've been dying before I even have a chance to react, find cover, or return fire.

    I think there are many reasons for this including:

    • The number of cheaters, as well as Activision's failure to do anything about them.
    • Activision/Treyarch/Infinity Ward/Raven's inability or unwillingness to balance, or vault until balanced, overpowered guns. Current flavors include:
      • FFAR
      • CW AUG
      • MAC 10 (the argument that it was already nerfed isn't valid, the only reason more people aren't bitching about the MAC is because the FFAR is so much better. Just wait, if they don't also nerf the MAC again when they nerf the FFAR, it will be the only SMG that anybody will run.
      • Kar98k (yes, I think the Kar needs an ads nerf)
    • The melee mechanic being super broken
      • Melee should absolutely not do 90 damage per swing.
    • The Roze and other dark colored skins, and the lack of an effort to balance or even acknowledge this issue.
    • The lack of a ranked playlist with publicly viewable, tiered, leaderboards and MMR
    • The lack of a connection based matchmaking pubs playlist with very minimal or no SBMM.
    • The length the match.
      • I'm not entirely sure how long it takes for the 11th (last) circle to fully close, but in reviewing a solos win that I got 5 months ago, it takes 26 minutes for the 8th circle to close, and a full 8:10 from when you can drop until the first circle is closed, and another 7:10 for the second circle to close.

    I'm not sure what the answer here is, but I do think there needs to be some significant change sooner rather than later. If it weren't for Rebirth and the Resurgence game modes, I think my play time would have gone from a few hours a night to just a few hours a week, maybe less. It's just not fun to sweat for 20 minutes only to get deleted by someone from 150m away with an Aug, or crushed with an FFAR by someone camping a doorway before I realize that I'm even being shot (the FFAR has a headshot TTK of .333 seconds at the closest range, standard human reaction time is .240 seconds), or melee'd with full plates by someone coming out of Gulag in the 5th circle while I'm shooting them at point blank with an AR.

    Anyway, that's my little temper tantrum. I really hope that there are some significant weapon balance changes and other QoL updates with Season 3 and the new map, that bumps the TTK back up a little bit, so this feels more like a BR that requires skill (not that I'm very good anyway) and the ability to hit your shots, so you at least have a change to fight back.

    Edit: Added TLDR

    submitted by /u/spaghettiarchitect
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